
Each year, the European Commission publishes a new Erasmus+ General Call for Proposals detailing all types of projects and deadlines for all individual components of the program.

More details on the rules and opportunities for participation can be found in the Erasmus+ Program Guide, which is also issued each year with the General Call. The Program Guide for 2021 is currently in progress.

An overview of all types of projects in which Serbia can participate, as well as deadlines within this competition, you can see on our Calendar of calls page.

You can also find information on the required forms for submitting Erasmus+ projects, as well as detailed instructions and the sequence of steps for registering OID and PIC number.

For accredited mobility projects, it will be necessary for institutions in the field of general, vocational and adult education, as well as for the youth sector, to receive certain accreditations that will enable them strategic planning and development of institutional capacities. Similarly, higher education institutions are awarded the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) on the basis of which they can apply for and participate in Erasmus+ projects.

Finally, the Foundation Tempus, through its numerous activities, provides support to both organizations and individuals in personal and professional development, and among the available activities, we single out info days and workshops.

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