From 2017. Foundation Tempus is the National Europass Centre of Serbia, a part of European network of national centres. National Europass Centre is the first contact point for all individuals, organizations or institutions from Serbia interested in using Europass documents.
What is Europass?
Europass consists of five documents that help individuals highlight their abilities in an effective way. It also helps employers and education and training providers better understand qualifications, knowledge, skills and experiences of candidates for certain position or program.
Europass aims to facilitate mobility throughout Europe for lifelong learning purposes.
Documents for individuals
• Europass CV – standardized CV format that is used and recognized throughout Europe. It helps individuals present their qualifications, work experience and personal skills in clear and concise form
• Language Passport – self-assessment tool for describing language skills
Documents issued by formal and non-formal education institutions
• Europass Mobility – document that records learning experiences from other European counties
• Certificate Supplement – document describing qualifications, knowledge and skills acquired by holders of vocational education and training diplomas or certificates
• Diploma Supplement – document describing qualifications, knowledge and skills acquired by holders of higher education degrees
More information
Find out more about Europass documents at official Europass Serbia.
For more information and support with using Europass documents you can contact National Europass Centre Serbia via e-mail