Dissemination of project results is an essential and mandatory phase of any Erasmus+ project. It is a set of measures for presenting and disseminating the results and impact of projects, as well as for achieving greater visibility of the project.
Dissemination of project information is important because:
- Increases project visibility,
- It promotes examples of good practice that may be useful to future applicants,
- Increases the visibility of the organization implementing the project,
- It enables the creation of future partnerships,
- Increases the visibility of the Erasmus + program.
In order to design a good plan for communication and dissemination of information about projects, the following should be considered:
Communication goals: Raising awareness, promoting social values, developing new partnerships;
Audience or target groups: These are the people you would like to get in touch with and who could benefit from the project results. They can be general public, stakeholders, experts, decision makers, the media, etc .;
Channels and activities to reach the target audience: Channels and activities that are most effective and appropriate to meet the needs of the selected goals, such as social media, events, publications should be selected.
Project results: These can be a guide to good practice, a practical tool or product, research, a study report, what knowledge and skills have been acquired and so on.
Timeline: It is necessary to plan effectively when different activities take place (linking it to the work plan), agree on a realistic goal and ensure flexibility depending on the progress of the project and changing needs of the target group.
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): These indicators are a valuable tool for project management to monitor progress (allow for adjustments as needed) during the implementation of a communication and dissemination plan, as well as to measure the degree of success in achieving goals.
Dissemination of projects information is always started in the institution / organization participating in the project, and then this information is shared at the local and international level so that the results achieved during the project can be used by others. At the international level, this means the promotion of the project and its activities in which all partners in the project participate and which is aimed at each individual country from which the institution comes, as well as at the European Union. Locally, the dissemination of information is carried out at the level of the state, city or municipality from which the project coordinator / partner is and adapts to the specifics of its environment, which includes different types of promotion with different partners.
It is important to make a good plan for disseminating information and using project results. It is best to plan such activities at the beginning of the project, possibly add during and implement after the end of the project. It is also important to determine what needs to be promoted and how. Project results can be concrete and clearly measurable (number of events held, curriculum changed, equipment purchased) or less measurable, but still significant (acquisition of new skills, knowledge, competencies), so the promotion of results should be adjusted to these criteria.
Identifying the target group is an integral part of successful promotion. The promotion of the project and its outcomes will not be done in exactly the same way to colleagues from similar institutions, decision makers, media and project beneficiaries, but the method of promotion and dissemination should be adapted to the selected target group.
There are various ways to disseminate the results and promote the project:
- Through the organization’s website,
- Through the account of the organization on social networks: Facebook, Twitter i Instagram,
- By tagging the Foundation Tempus on social networks when posting about the project – we recommend using @FondacijaTempus for tagging on Twitter, or the hashtag #fondacijatempus (which can be used for Facebook, Twitter and Instagram posts),
- Audio / Video materials to share,
- Press statements, announcements, guest appearances in the media,
- By sending newsletter with news about the project,
- By organizing or participating in conferences, seminars, trainings and other events,
- By publishing publications and brochures,
- By creating a visual solution unique to the project (eg. project logo),
- By making promotional material (folders, blocks, pens, leaflets,…).
More detailed information on disseminating information and using project results can be found in the Program Guide, as well as the Erasmus+ Project Communication Guide.
Since the beginning of the Erasmus+ program, the European Commission has emphasized the importance of disseminating and using the results as important criteria for the success of projects, their sustainability and the justification of investing European Union funds. For this reason, the European Commission has enabled beneficiaries to use a platform that supports the objectives of the Strategy for the dissemination and exploitation of the results of the Erasmus+ program:
- Supporting the development of policies in the field of education and training, youth and sports by making available the results of Erasmus+ programs and projects, which improves the work of organizations and decision makers in these areas.
- Increasing the impact of the Erasmus+ program by adequately disseminating the results of programs and projects among a wide range of target groups – potential project applicants, beneficiaries, including decision makers, as well as the general public through the mass media.
The Erasmus + Project Results Platform is a database of the European Commission that contains descriptions of all projects funded under the program, including the contacts of the organizations participating in them. In addition, the platform contains the results of completed projects, including links to relevant pages. Success stories or projects that have achieved outstanding results in terms of importance for education and youth policies, performance or conceptual solutions are highlighted on the platform. They were selected from a number of examples of good practice or properly managed projects that gave very good results.
Reasons why users should use the platform are:
- Increasing the visibility of projects;
- Sharing project results with those interested in similar topics;
- Developing new ideas;
- Finding partners for future projects.
All the visitors to the platform can search the database using available criteria, for example by project type, year, country or keyword, to find a suitable project.
Also, beneficiaries whose projects have been approved, have access to the user part which they can access using the authentication data, which they received after signing the grant agreement. This way, users can add project results, website address or other information to their project cards.
For all doubts, users have access to the European Commission’s FAQ page or video tutorial on using the platform on the Foundation Tempus’s YouTube channel.
It is important to know that in all publications and promotional materials, the support of the European Union must be indicated in a specific form. The rules and examples of permitted materials can be downloaded from the EACEA website, and we expect a detailed user guide prepared by the European Commission soon.
The Tempus Foundation also participates in the promotion of Erasmus + projects. On our YouTube channel you can find articles about individual projects in the field of KA2 “Capacity Building in Higher Education”, as well as the experiences of teachers from KA1 mobility projects. In addition, examples of good practice, as well as other promotional activities related to the dissemination of information about projects, can be followed on the Foundation Tempus’s accounts on social networks. If some important activities are organized or the promotion of project results is underway, representatives of institutions and organizations can inform the Foundation Tempus (via the address office@tempus.ac.rs), which would share this information through its channels.