Partnerships in the field of youth

If your organization or institution has already had experience with international cooperation in the field of youth, KA2 partnership projects are the recommended second step.

This Key Action enables cooperation between Serbia and other countries with the aim of gaining experience in international cooperation, capacity building and creating high quality intellectual work products.

Depending on the objectives of the project, the organizations involved, the expected impact and other elements of the partnership for cooperation, they can be of different sizes and scope, and they can adjust their activities accordingly.

When choosing the type of project, the goals of your project, the capacity of the project partners and the experience of your organization should be taken into account.

Participation in the following projects is possible:

The purpose of this type of project is actually to increase the quality of services and activities of all actors of youth work, as well as to open youth work to actors outside our sector. Through local and international cooperation, it is possible to work on common needs and priorities, enabling changes within organizations and even at the sector level, leading to the improvement of old and the creation of new approaches, all in accordance with the capabilities of project partner organizations.

Opportunities that, in addition to the above-mentioned forms of cooperation and capacity building, can be specifically budgeted only within this type of project, are specific products of intellectual work. The products can be in the form of training programmes, brochures, various types of research, internet platforms, educational games and comics and many other tools that can be used in youth work in Serbia and Europe.

The list and topics of possible activities on these projects are not defined in advance and depend on your creativity and the needs of the youth sector and youth.

If you have not yet had the opportunity to implement Key Action 2 projects, small-scale partnerships in the field of youth are a great first step as they are designed to be more easily accessible to smaller organizations and young people with disabilities.

With lower grants, shorter project duration, and simplified administrative requirements, this type of project facilitates the participation of new, less experienced local organizations.

Small-scale partnerships allow flexibility in terms of mixing and using national and transnational activities and can contribute to networking between organizations, as well as linking youth policies at all levels.

It is important to note that the primary objectives of partnerships for cooperation also apply to small-scale partnerships, in line with the scope of the projects.

More detailed information on cooperation partnership projects can be found in the text of the Erasmus+ Programme guide.

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