The general objective of the Erasmus+ programme in the field of sport is to contribute to the development of the European dimension in sport, especially amateur sport. The new generation of the Erasmus+ programme (2021-2027) promotes mobility for the purpose of teaching sports staff, cooperation, quality, inclusion, creativity and innovation at the level of sports organizations and sports policies. Unlike the previous generation of programmes (2014-2020), the field of sports in the new programme is a part of the three key activities (KA) into which the programme is divided, with the important note that mobility projects in sports (KA1) are not available in the Call for 2021 .
In the sports component of the Erasmus+ programme, the emphasis is on international projects dealing with the inclusion of the general population in sports and physical activities, participation in physical activities as a means to maintain and improve health, promoting integrity and values in sports, education in sports and through sports, volunteerism in sports, the mobility of coaches, managers, volunteers and staff of non-profit sports organizations, as well as the fight against negative phenomena and challenges in sports, such as violence, racism, intolerance and discrimination.
In the sports component of the Erasmus+ programme for 2021, the Call is announced for three types of projects within key activity 2:
Partnerships for cooperation in the field of sports
Small partnerships in the field of sports
Non-for-profit European sporting events
Public and private organizations and institutions from Serbia active in the field of sports can be applicants for projects (coordinators) or participate in the role of partners in all three types of projects.
There is one deadline for submitting applications for all three types of projects during the year, on May 20, 2021, at 5 pm Brussels time. The expected start of the project implementation is in early 2022.
The total available budget for 2021 for all three types of projects for the entire Europe is 41.7 million euros.
All three types of projects are centralized and are the responsibility of the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) based in Brussels, which conducts the competition and to which project applications are submitted, which selects, contracts, finances and monitors approved projects.
The EACEA organized Erasmus+ sport info days on 23-24 March 2021 in order to inform potential applicants and partners in project applications from all over Europe and give them opportunity for networking. More information and recordings of the event are available on the Executive Agency’s website.
In order to search for potential partner organizations for projects, the Erasmus+ project results database is available. It is a database of all Erasmus+ projects funded so far, which contains key information about each project, including a list and contacts of the organizations that participated in them.